2011年12月24日 星期六

感謝、感恩 暨 【鄭國揚教授紀念網站】成立通知 (文:志工團隊)

致 鄭國揚教授的親朋好友:




感謝看到年幼就遠離家鄉求學,做為小小留學生的寶貝兒子 Rex 和掌上明珠 Karen,早已經長大成人,獨立自主,也能機動性發表感人肺腑的即席演說,頗有乃父的風範,同時感懷父親的教導和無止境的精神和財務支助。




教授放下世俗的擔子,然而他的典範依然長存,為了感恩和紀念鄭教授一生的奉獻和成就,在大家通力合作下,專屬鄭教授的紀念網站 http://www.ntumath.org/kycheng 終於有了初步的成果。

我們深深相信,這只是拋磚引玉的小小起頭。我們還會持續追蹤管理,如果您身邊湊巧也有鄭教授的相關資料,請惠寄 ky@ntumath.org,我們會有專人負責處理。



鄭國揚教授志工團隊 謹謝

2011年12月15日 星期四

My Funny Uncle 2-Goo (二舅) (by Jennifer Wu)

My funny uncle 2- Goo

I'm sure my uncle had a serious side to him but I will always remember him as my funny and silly uncle. He always tried to make everyone laugh whether he was in a restaurant or shopping at a market. He just had a way of putting a smile on someone's face. I used to be very embarrassed by him in public because he had no problem talking to anybody about anything and sometimes I'm amazed how strangers would be so receptive in having a conversation with him. As I grew older I realized that it was his way of showing us how much he cares about the world around him.

I will always remember all the funny phrases he had said in the past and I will also remember him as someone who really cared about his family and relatives and he did it without us knowing. I am so grateful to have such fond memories of him growing up and i will miss him terribly.

Jennifer Wu/Baldwin, NY

2011年12月8日 星期四

Eulogy (by daughter Karen)


Thank you all for coming today to honor my father.  It means a lot to me and my brother.  My father would have been very happy to know that his family, friends, and colleagues are here today to say farewell.

My father loved his profession.  He loved being a teacher and a mentor.  He was very proud to be a professor.  When my brother and I were little children, my father would bring us to his classroom and show us around.  We would hide under his podium and watch him teach.  For as long as we could remember, my father had always valued a good education and often urged my brother and me to study hard and to do well in school. 

However, he was also just a “dad”.  On many nights, he would come home late from work and see me sitting at the dining table struggling to finish my homework.  He would look at me and laugh but feel slightly sorry for me and say “do you want me to write a note to your teacher to tell her to stop giving you so much homework?”  Perhaps this was why he moved us to the United States so we would have less homework to do. 

My father instilled in us the importance of education and the love of learning.  For this, we will always be grateful to him.

Again, thank you everyone for coming today to my father’s funeral.  We really appreciate your kind thoughts and words of comfort. 


Eulogy (by son Rex)


I would like to thank each one of you for coming here to remember and honor my father.

I am especially grateful to Mr. Liu, Mr. Huang, and Max for their loyal friendship with my father and for helping him with his final arrangements.  My father was indeed very blessed to have such true and faithful friends in life and in death.

I would be remiss if I did not also thank my fourth uncle, my fourth aunt, and my cousin, Tsuni, for the joyful moments that they shared with my father, for holding his hand when his illness rendered conversations difficult, and for infusing him with lots of laughter and happiness.  Their kind solace and good cheers greatly comforted my father during his arduous battle with cancer.

I am also grateful to my big aunt for the immeasurable sacrifices that she made to take such good care of my father.  When there was no one else around, when the rest of his family members had left him, my father could always count on his devoted sister to be there for him.  I will forever be thankful for the fact that my big aunt was by my father’s side to the very end and that he did not die alone.

As most of you know, my father had the privilege of working with, and teaching, the best and brightest minds in all of Formosa.  He was an intellectual giant.

It was not easy growing up in my father’s big shadow.  As a child, I was afraid of not being able to measure up.  One day, my father explained to me that the key to living a meaningful and honorable life is commitment.

He told me that it does not matter what I grow up to be – whether a scientist or a farmer or whatever – as long as I commit, wholeheartedly, to whatever it is that I choose to do.  This important advice stayed with me, and it helped me throughout college, law school, and my career.

Not only did my father teach me the importance of commitment, he also lived his life according to this principle.

My father did not express his feelings.  He never told us how much he loved us.  Instead, he let his actions spoke for him.  He dedicated his life to working hard to provide for us.  And he was a good provider.

Even when I was a bad son and was disrespectful to him, he continued to work hard and kept supporting us resolutely and abidingly.  My father’s steadfast devotion to me and my sister spoke much louder and meant much more than any words that could be expressed.

I will miss my father.  And I hope to honor him by following his example and living a life of commitment.


老頑童 (文:李學養教授)


他在中研院任職期間也是台大資工系的合聘教授, 和我經常見面聊天, 常常被他逗得哈哈大笑,他有如老頑童周伯通。





事母至孝、熱心助人的頑童 (文:許聞廉教授)



1. 鄭老師在資訊領域有傑出的表現,又同時在台大合聘,作育英才。

2. 但鄭老師也有輕鬆、活潑的一面,他常和同事、助理、學生互動,是大家眼中的開心果,武藝高超。鄭老師和助理比桌球,常以可樂飲料為輸贏賭注,他眼睛會聲東擊西,說得一口好球逗人,讓年輕好手都招架不住。鄭老師橋藝高超,得過獎,院內外橋牌賽常見鄭老師的蹤影。鄭老師更是高爾夫的高手,他不時和我們提起他在台中球場的英勇事蹟,常和人較量球技,以一頓飯為輸贏賭注,讓他贏得很多飯局。鄭老師自己笑說,和人打賭不能太露球

3. 鄭老師另有一面是熱心助人的,他曾幫助我們一位年輕的圖書館員馮小姐,馮小姐離職後,罹患腦瘤病變,由於她的身世較特別,家人不予支持,古道熱腸的鄭老師扛起她的醫療費用,包括看護費用,甚至最後協助辦理馮小姐病逝後的告別式。

4. 我們也知道鄭老師事母至孝,經常出國探視在國外定居的母親,後母親安息主懷,鄭老師在國外為母親辦理隆重溫馨的安息禮拜,邀請母親曾經幫助過的牧師們前往參加。



中央研究院資訊科學研究所代所長  許聞廉教授










2011年12月7日 星期三

My 2-Goo (二舅) (by Phoebe Lin)

One of my earliest memory of 2-goo is the time he served us kids noodles with carrots and nothing else in it...we all laughed and told him it was the worst meal we've ever tasted but instead of getting mad, he just laughed along with us. Many years later, during one of his visits to our house, he drove me to and back from my summer job at Red Lobster every night. He did this until I finally got my driver's license - and it was him, of course, who drove me to my driver's test. When I visited Taiwan briefly during college in Japan as an exchange student, he let me help him with some of his work. I spent a day with him and his assistant and I complained the whole time of how boring it was, he just smiled and allowed me to do what I liked. Rather than thanking him for all that he did for me, I laughed at his cooking, I was impatient at how slow he drove and I grumbled at having to listen to him explain his work. Fortunately for me, he willingly and happily did those things for me without needing a thanks from me. He gladly did those things without ever expecting anything back. That is how I will always remember him. Thank you, 2-goo, for all that you have done for me and mostly for putting up with me!

- Phoebe Lin / Kings Park, New York

2011年12月2日 星期五

安息吧!二哥 (文:小妹 – 美容 Carla)

我們敬愛的二哥,跟我們永別辭世了,留給我們的是許許多多歡笑美好的回憶和無限思念。 相信,他現在已與在天上的父母親、大哥嫂和三哥們重相聚,開開心心地在榮耀的天城裡,享受永恆的平安與喜樂才是。

在眾多兄弟姐妹中,二哥排行老二,從小就特別淘氣搗蛋,專門惹事生非,搞得雞禽飛人狗跳才罷手,難怪常常被吊起來抽皮帶挨打或面壁罰跪思過。 當時,幾乎沒有人期望他長大後會有啥出息。唯有母親從不放棄他,不僅暗中鼓勵資助他向學,並諄諄引領他和弟妹們到台中市民族路基督長老教會,接受基督教信仰薰陶,並與同年齡的優秀孩子一起在教會內成長。 “拖了兩管黃鼻涕”(照二哥的說法),一路‘傻傻地’由明星學校,台中一中和台灣大學畢業,服完兵役後,按〝來來來,來台大,去去去,去美國〞的模式,來到美國取經,成為早期台灣留學生之一。 取得博士學位後,回國在中央研究院資訊研究所、清華大學、逢甲大學、台灣大學、東海大學…等學校機構任職,繼續學術研究開發和作育精英,直到退休。 其間,也在電腦公司擔任顧問一職,與學生們默默地殷勤耕耘,拓展電腦領域,為台灣享有〝電腦王國〞美譽鋪路。 他們的特殊專才貢獻鉅大,實是台灣電腦業先驅人士之一囉!

二哥一生事親至孝,尤其對當時年老的母親特別感恩照顧。 講學之餘,常飛到西雅圖老人公寓,陪伴母親並泡茶逗笑其他老人們。 讓母親的晚年生活,既光彩又豐盛自在。 母親非常擔心他的信仰走向,老催他要上教堂作禮拜,而他就會用他老早就能夠拿中英文來背誦聖經詩篇第23篇,更甚者,還可倒背如流的理由來塘塞她。 然而,在母親的追思告別式上,他感性地回應說,其實,他心中一直有個真正的神,要母親放一百個心。

Home Rules- 1. Count your Blessings / 2. Look after each other / 3. Bear each other’s burdens/ 4. Forgive and Forget / 5. Comfort one another / 6. Be Kind / 7. Tender-hearted / 8. Keep your Promises / 9. Be true to each other / 10. Treat each other like you treat your friends / 11. Be proud of each other / 12. But most important, Love one another deeply from the hearts. 我覺得二哥幾乎都有作到以上數點,只是表現方法較為獨特而已。 譬如,他愛我個人的方式,就是常常來紐約家探訪作客,次數之繁,連小女兒在小時候,都一直以為他是我的爸爸,只是名字叫做 “2-Goo” (二舅) 而已。 每次回台,他除了給零用金,讓我嚐嚐〝敗家女〞滋味外,還帶去夜市,一攤一攤地吃。 就連今年三月,他剛動完手術,失去味覺能力時,還特地帶我和大姐到基隆廟口小吃大快朵頤,而他只能苦著臉,皺著眉頭,靜靜地陪我們。 看在眼裡,傷心在心裡,但深知這是他表達〝愛意〞的方式之一,也就釋然了。 他對自己孩子的疼愛,從未間斷,無窮止盡地供應所需;對學生們的愛,更是毫無保留地照顧提攜。 相信很多人都有如此同感吧!

最近曾有人把二哥與剛在美國病逝的Apple總裁Mr. Steven Jobs相比較,嗯~ 個人倒認為他倆確有若干相同點:—就是真正的天才發明家,在造福人群之際,自己卻過著最簡樸和落寞的生活,唯有新的發明產品,才能 讓他們兩眼炯炯發光,侃侃而談,並將個人問題, 健康情形以及身體病痛, 完全置之度外。 記得一,二十年前,二哥曾向我講解Chinese Font (中文電腦輸入),手指頭按觸Bar來完成各式各樣指令 (Banks, Airlines, Supermarkets…),語音縮小放大傳送 (Skype),面貌耳型電腦對比 (Homeland Security)…等等概念,當年在在對我有如鴨子聽打雷的東西,現在不就都成了我們今天日常生活的一部份嗎?! True,偉大的信念,也必需靠偉大的勇士去完成的!! 不是嗎?!

二哥的笑話趣事一籮筐,千百頁都寫不盡。 深信在他遊戲人間,笑盡人生態度後面,一定有蠻多不為人知的溫馨故事。 身為他的親妹妹之一,我覺得相當榮幸,因為有個機會親身去體驗發掘〝天才型〞人物背後的人性真情。 僅在此,用九月初他在電話上,對大女兒Jennifer說的最後一句話:“Remember,I LOVE YOU ALL !!” 來對應他說:“Remember,Brother & Uncle, we all love you back !!”

安息吧! 二哥…..

小妹 – 美容(Carla)敬輓懷念於NY