2011年11月25日 星期五

May Memories Comfort You (by Dr. Albert Yu)

    comfort you
Memories keep the one you loved
close to you in spirit and thought
and always in your heart,
today and forever.

  Thinking of you
with sympathy

Dear Pearl, Rex, Karen, Meili, Meiyu, Mayao, Meijong, Kuojin, Kuosin and all family:

I am shock to learn that A-Q, my childhood friend for more than 55 years, passed away last Friday. How could this happen? I did not even have a chance to say good bye! But
Memories Keep Those We Love Close to us Forever. Although words seem to say so little
yet I hope the Following poem can help in some small way to ease the sense of loss that you’re experiencing today.

Hold fast to your memories,
to all of the cherished moments of the past,
to the blessings and the laughter,the joys and the celebrations, the sorrow and the tears.
They all add up to a treasure of fond yesterdays that you shared and spent together,
and they keep the one you loved close to you in spirit and thought.
The special moments and memories in your life will never change.
They will always be in your heart, today and forevermore.

-Linda E. Knight

Sorry to learn our beloved brother passed away the other day. Hope this poem can help you.
My mom passed away in Nov 24, 1989 at 3 pm 22 years ago and my dad passed away in Oct 18, 2005 at 4 pm 6 years ago, yet I still can feel the pain, sadness and sorrow deep in my heart. But it is relieved to know someday we will be able to join our departed love one in heaven with God's grace.
May God's Love Be Your Strength And Comfort. In every message of comfort, in every word of concern, in every expression of love,
May you feel the compassion and caring of a faithful Heavenly Father who knows your every need and will continue to sustain you through this time of deepest sorrow.
Thoughts and Prayers Are with You.

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you...Psalms 55:22

From your friend in Christ
Albert & Tongshiang Yu

金珠姊, Rex, Karen, 美麗姊, 美玉姊,美容姊,美瑤姊,國珍,國信 及全體遺族:

平安! 聽到國揚兄去世的消息確實使我們感到無限的衰傷與無奈,讓我回想起二十年前我母親去世的情景。然而上 主讓他息了世間的勞苦,脫離俗事的折磿,與主共享天城的榮耀,何嘗不是一件美好的恩典。敬請節哀保重,國揚 兄一生敬神益人慈祥愛主的美德將永遠留在所有認識他的親人朋友的心中。

敬祝 主佑 以馬内利

主内 正德 東香 敬上

source: http://www.bluemountain.com/view.pd?i=258170982&m=3355&rr=z&source=bma999&c=embm63459

